Towervale School Visit Book and Game Bundle
Towervale School Visit Book and Game Bundle
Sale Price:$14.99 Original Price:$20.00
IMPORTANT: note the name of your school when prompted on the order page!
IMPORTANT: Order your book, then print your receipt and send it with your student to school or email the receipt to your librarian. Discounted books can be picked up when books arrive. The charge for your order will appear as PC Studio, Inc, the publisher.
IMPORTANT: You’ll still fill out the shipping section for the order, choose ‘In School Pick Up’ as shipping method.
The Towervale Bundle includes the 256 page printed hardback book and the online and app-based Towervale video game. The Towervale game app is compatible with Apple and Android mobile devices and the Towervale online game works with all major web browsers.